Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Devroey D, Van Rossem I. Virtual Villages: a comprehensive learning tool. Ecuadorian Congress for Medical Education. 7-9 March 2013, Loja, Ecuador.

Eerste auteur: Devroey D

Jaar: 2013

Type: Congres


GIMMICS (Groningen Institute Model for Management in Care Services) is a teaching game in which several family practices are simulated at the university in a controlled academic setting. It is organized in the seventh year of the medical training.
Until now, 3 universities in both the Netherlands (Groningen and Utrecht) and Belgium (Brussels) are using this teaching model. Students work in small teams to run their own practice during 2 weeks. They all work in a small virtual town (Jettegem). At the same time, pharmacy students run their own virtual pharmacy in the same town.
This teaching game combines real life situation cases including mystery guests role-playing as patients, case reports, cases by phone or email, prescription of compounded dosage forms, pharmaceutical care and training of communication skills.
The teaching goals of GIMMICS include the aim (i) to better prepare students for their responsible and challenging tasks as family physician, (ii) to improve the quality of primary healthcare in the primary setting, (iii) to meet any heterogeneity between different family practice trainings and (iv) to help students reflect and correct for their mistakes. Feedback by the game supervisors is provided only indirectly, but sufficient time is given to practice highly demanding and responsible tasks. GIMMICS also provides the opportunity to organize seminars together with pharmacy students, as well as therapeutic cases in e.g. geriatrics and oncology.

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