Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Beernaert K, Cohen J, Deliens L, Devroey D, Vanthomme K, Pardon K, Van den Block L. Doorverwijzing naar palliatieve zorg voor COPD en andere levensbedreigende aandoeningen: een nationale studie. Nederlands-Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Palliatieve Zorg. 2013;13(3/4):25-39.

Eerste auteur: Beernaert K.

Jaar: 2013

Type: Publicatie

Nederlands-Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Palliatieve Zorg


Aim: To describe how patients with COPD, heart failure, dementia and cancer differ in frequency and timing of referral to palliative care services.
Methods: We performed a population-based study with the Sentinel Network of General Practitioners in Belgium. GPs reported use and timing of palliative care services and treatment goals in the final three months of life.
Results: Of 2,405 registered deaths respectively 5%, 4% and 28% were identified as from COPD, heart failure or cancer and 14% were diagnosed with severe dementia. Patients with COPD (20%) were less likely than those with heart failure (34%), severe dementia (37%) or cancer (60%) to be referred to palliative care services (p < .001). The median days between referral and death was respectively 10, 12, 14 and 20. Patients with COPD who were not referred more often received treatment with a curative or life-prolonging goal and less often with a palliative or comfort goal than did the other patients who were not referred.
Conclusion: Patients with COPD are underserved in terms of palliative care compared to those with other chronic life-limiting diseases. Awareness of palliative care as an option for patients with COPD needs to increase in palliative care services, physicians and the general public.

Trefwoorden: COPD, dementia, heart failure, neoplasms, palliative care, referral and consultation

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