Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Borgermans L, Vrijhoef B, Vandevoorde J, De Maeseneer J, Vansintejan J, Devroey D. Relevance of hypersexual disorder to family medicine and primary care as a complex multidimensional chronic disease construct. Int J Family Med. 2013;2013:519265.

Eerste auteur: Borgermans L

Jaar: 2013

Type: Publicatie



Hypersexual disorder (HD) is not defined in a uniform way in psychiatric literature. In the absence of solid evidence on prevalence, causes, empirically validated diagnostic criteria, instruments for diagnosis, consistent guidelines on treatment options, medical and psychosocial consequences and type of caregivers that need to be involved, HD remains a controversial and relatively poorly understood chronic disease construct. The role of family medicine in the detection, treatment and follow-up of HD is not well studied. The purpose of this paper is to describe the complexity of HD as a multidimensional chronic disease construct and its relevance to family medicine and primary care.

Trefwoorden: Complexity, Sexual disorders, Family medicine

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