Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Devroey D, Van Casteren V. Atrial fibrillation among patients with newly diagnosed heart failure in Belgium. RHYTHM Congress, 26-28 May 2011, Marseille, France.

Eerste auteur: Devroey D

Jaar: 2011

Type: Congres


BACKGROUND: There exist only few reliable data about the co-existence of atrial fibrillation (AF) and heart failure (HF) in primary health care. The aim of this study is to describe the occurrence of atrial fibrillation (AF) among patients with newly diagnosed HF in Belgian primary care.

METHODS: Data were prospectively collected during a two-year period by a nationwide network of sentinel general practices. All adult patients for whom the first time the diagnosis of HF was clinically suspected were registered. Patients were finally included if the diagnosis of HF was confirmed after one month.

RESULTS: In total 557 patients with confirmed HF were recorded. The yearly incidence of confirmed HF in the Belgian adult population was estimated 194 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (95% CI: 172-218). At diagnosis the median age of the patients was 79 years: 82 years for women and 76 years for men (p<0.0001). AF was diagnosed in 12% of the patients: for 8% it was detected during de clinical examination at diagnosis and for 4% AF was diagnosed during the first month after the occurrence of HF. Most of the patients were classified as NYHA III (50%), 27% as NYHA IV and 20% as NYHA II. Mortality was 19% after 6 months and 26% after 12 months.

CONCLUSION: We estimate the yearly incidence of HF in the Belgian adult population at 194 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. AF occurred in 12% of the patients with newly diagnosed HF. In one third of the cases the diagnose of AF was made during the first month of the follow-up.

©2005 • Vakgroep Huisartsgeneeskunde • Vrije Universiteit Brussel • Laarbeeklaan 103 • 1090 Brussel-Jette
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