Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Deneyer M, Devroey D, De Groot E, Buyl R, Vandenplas Y. Informational privacy and confidentiality for emancipated minors: the attitude of the Flemish paediatrician anno 2010. Eur J Pediatr. 2011 Sep;170(9):1159-63.

Eerste auteur: Deneyer M.

Jaar: 2011

Type: Publicatie


Eur J Ped


Confidentiality is a major issue in adolescent healthcare, and its perceived absence may be the main barrier for an adolescent to seek medical care. Little is known about the right on informational privacy and confidentiality for emancipated minors in Belgium. There are no data available regarding the introduction of a private moment with the physician during a consultation, about the nature and the quantity of information made available to parents by the paediatricians regarding the health situation of emancipated minors and about the existence of procedures with regard to these matters. The purpose of this study is to map out the current interpretation and the attitude of the paediatrician with regard to the right to confidentiality and informational privacy The answers of 117 Flemish paediatricians to an anonymous questionnaire were analyzed. An unaccompanied medical visit is not frequent in Belgium (only 1%). Only 35,1 % of the paediatricians systematically offer the possibility to have a private conversation with an emancipated minor. Almost 80 % of the paediatricians often render all information to the parents. Sensible information regarding psychological aspects, including data concerning sexual behavior are only in 16.8 % guarded for the parents and in 2.9 % no information is given. The paediatricians employ only for 13 % the procedures regarding confidentiality for minors.
Conclusion: This study reveals that the Belgian laws on patients’ rights, more specific the right on informational privacy and confidentiality, are not reflected by the paternalistic attitude that Belgian paediatricians have towards their emancipated minor patients. Paediatricians offer not frequently enough the possibility for a private conversation. The rareness of unaccompanied medical consultations contributes to this. Proper application of the legal context, the handling of the watertight procedures and the necessary communication in this respect is indispensable for the confidence and will lower the barrier for minors to turn towards healthcare.

Trefwoorden: Confidentiality, minor, patient right, paediatrician, privacy, professional attitude

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