Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Devroey D, Van Casteren V. Trends in the institutionalization of adults between 1994 and 2004 in Belgium. 18th Wonca World Conference, 24 - 27 July 2007, Singapore.

Eerste auteur: Devroey Dirk

Jaar: 2007

Type: Congres


The aim of this study was to describe trends in the incidence of institutionalisations and the waiting lists for institutionalisations.

Data were recorded by the Belgian network of sentinel general practitioners (GPs) in the year 1994, 2003 and 2004. The network is representative of the Belgian GPs. All institutionalisations of adult patients in homes for the elderly (HE), nursing homes (NH) and psychiatric nursing homes (PNH) were registered.

The incidence of institutionalisations was estimated 316 per 100.000 inhabitants (95% CI: 284-351) in 1994 and 299 per 100.000 inhabitants (95% CI: 271-329) in the period 2003-04 (p=0.4438). After standardisation for age and gender the difference remained not significant.
The proportion of patients subscripted on a waiting list remained stable between 1994 and 2004 (67% and 70% resp.) However this proportion increased from 24% to 80% for PNH. Almost 25% of the patients were subscribed on more than one waiting list. The time on a waiting list doubled for NH but in PNH the time on a waiting list increased from 2 to 29 weeks between 1994 and 2004.
An intermediate hospitalisation was necessary for 59% of the patients in 1994 and for 56% in 2003-04. The proportion of intermediate hospitalisations has doubled for patients on a waiting list for PNH.


With the greying of the population a higher capacity for institutionalisation is needed. Especially in PNH the need for a higher capacity is increasing. This is probably related to the increased institutionalisation of demented patients.

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